Monday 13 February 2012

Double Page Spread Proposal

For my double page spread I am going to use the photos I have taken of the artist in a forest, as this will be completely different from the cover image, and will give a more neutral and relaxed feel in comparison to the vibrant, bold colours of the the front cover. This will create a different mood whilst the reader is reading the interview, as it will make them feel more relaxed and calm. It also relates to the target audience and they fact they like being creative, and being out and about in the countryside etc.                   I will use a headline that relates to the article itself rather than the name of the artist, as I think if the target audience haven't heard of the new artist, they might not want to read it, whereas if it is something general such as 'In The Natural World' or 'Finding My History,' they'll be intrigued. This will be of the same font, but varying sizes as this will catch the audiences attention, but also look more appealing.
                  I will write an interview with the artist, using different colours for the interviewer and the interviewee, as this way it is clear who is talking. I will then use a pull quote from the article to persuade the target audience to read the article.

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