Sunday 12 February 2012

Double Page Spread Research

A double page spread is two facing pages of newspaper or magazine where the textual material on the left hand side continues across to the right hand side. Abbreviated to DPS. Here are some features commonly used on a double page spread: -

Headline - this tends to be the name of the artist, or something to do with the article itself, for example the name of their album, or something that gives an insight of the article. This is usually a large font, often varying sizes and is bold, and maybe colourful.

Subheading - this is usually found underneath the headline, and gives a brief summary to what the article is about. This is smaller than the headline, but larger than the main text, and is usually bold.

Main Image - usually a large image is used, filling a majority of a page, or an entire page.

By Line - this is very small text and often is the name of the writer and/or the photographer.

Pull Quote - this is a quote from the article, in a larger font, and on a different area of the page. It can often be found larger amongst the article, or it to the side of the main image.

Drop Capital - used at the beginning of the article, this is a the first letter of the first word, larger than the rest of the text, and the height of three or four lines, causing an indentation of the other lines.

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