Monday 6 February 2012

Contents Page Draft 2

This is my second draft of the contents page. I have began to write the features of the magazine, some of which were shown on the front cover, althought I have created a seperate section to highlight the main features on the cover. I have also included a 'contact' box in the corner, as this is a feature that many other magazines include on their front covers in order for the reader to get involved with the magazine.

I have used the line drawing tool to create lines that will seperate each different feature on the contents page, as this clearly splits it up and ensures the reader can easily find a specific feature. I have also drawn a red box in the bottom left corner as the 'contact' information for the magazine, of the same colour as the rest of the lines and boxes. Finally, I have began to write the list of articles included,using the same font used elsewhere on the contents so that it all links in together.  

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