Saturday 4 February 2012

Contents Page Propsosal

For the contents page of my magazine, I am going to use the same colour scheme as my front cover - red and white, as then the two pages will link together and the contents page will be just as eye catching as the front cover. It also creates a clear theme for the magazine that will make it look more professional.
                I will use three images on my contents page, all in boxes to the right of the page, with the text fitting around it. There will be red boxes clearing dividing each of the sections of the contents page, with the headings in. This simple 'boxed' layout will be simple yet effective, as it allows the target audience to quickly and easily find what they are looking for.
               I will include the heading 'Contents' at the top of the page using the same font as I have used on the front cover. I will also use my masthead as a logo on the contents page just to reinforce the name of the magazine upon the reader.

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