Wednesday 15 February 2012

Double Page Spread Draft 2

For my second draft of the double page spread I have moved the image so that the model is more central to the page, and also changed the colour of the frame around it so that it matches that on the opposing page, but is also bold and stands out against the other. I have also started to write the article, also in black writing so that it matches the black outline of the page and stands out against the pale background. I have used a more interesting font for the title so that it looks quite feminine and girly, although it is black and stands out.

I used the font tool to find a different font for the title of the article, as this will make it differ from the rest of the text, and therefore be eye-catching and stand out. I used the swatches tool to change the frame colour of the right hand page so that the two pages match and link together. By changing it to black, it also matches the font colour, tying everything together. 

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