Saturday 18 February 2012


This week I created my double page spread. This took longer than I thought as I had to make the different sized texts in different boxes etc, therefore it took a while to produce. I also had to change the layout of the  page to two pages, but alo including columns as this is what a stereotypical double page spread includes.
            I am very pleased with the outcomes I have produced, and I feel they are of a high quality, and look appealing.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Double Page Spread Final

This is the completed version of my double page spread. I have added a pull quote on the page with the image so that the reader can automatically get a sense about what the interview is going to be about. I have changed the font used for the title to make it more bold and eyecatching. I made the words seperately so that I could alter the sizes of each word, and arrange them to be more appealing. This will be more eyecatching and appealing to the audience. Underneath I have given a brief summary of what the article is about using the same font, but sectioned off between the title and the interview using lines so that it looks organised and appealing. Finally, I used a seperate colour for the questions of the interview so that they are clearly seperated and obvious who was speaking in the interview.

I have used the drawing tool to create lines that seperate the title and the interview. This gives a more organised layout to the page. I also used the text tool to create a large letter for the beginning of the article, as this is a common feature of a double page spread - for the first letter to be larger than any other letter.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Double Page Spread Draft 2

For my second draft of the double page spread I have moved the image so that the model is more central to the page, and also changed the colour of the frame around it so that it matches that on the opposing page, but is also bold and stands out against the other. I have also started to write the article, also in black writing so that it matches the black outline of the page and stands out against the pale background. I have used a more interesting font for the title so that it looks quite feminine and girly, although it is black and stands out.

I used the font tool to find a different font for the title of the article, as this will make it differ from the rest of the text, and therefore be eye-catching and stand out. I used the swatches tool to change the frame colour of the right hand page so that the two pages match and link together. By changing it to black, it also matches the font colour, tying everything together. 

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Double Page Spread Draft 1

This is the first draft of my double page spread. I have put an image on one whole page as this will be eyecatching for the audience, but also sets a theme for the page. As the image is quite 'natural' looking, I will use neutral colours on the opposing page so they relate to each other. I have put a frame around each  page so that the pages look neat and well presented. The white around the image stands out against it, whereas the black on the opposing page stands out against the light coloured background. This will therefore be eyecatching too.

Monday 13 February 2012

Double Page Spread Proposal

For my double page spread I am going to use the photos I have taken of the artist in a forest, as this will be completely different from the cover image, and will give a more neutral and relaxed feel in comparison to the vibrant, bold colours of the the front cover. This will create a different mood whilst the reader is reading the interview, as it will make them feel more relaxed and calm. It also relates to the target audience and they fact they like being creative, and being out and about in the countryside etc.                   I will use a headline that relates to the article itself rather than the name of the artist, as I think if the target audience haven't heard of the new artist, they might not want to read it, whereas if it is something general such as 'In The Natural World' or 'Finding My History,' they'll be intrigued. This will be of the same font, but varying sizes as this will catch the audiences attention, but also look more appealing.
                  I will write an interview with the artist, using different colours for the interviewer and the interviewee, as this way it is clear who is talking. I will then use a pull quote from the article to persuade the target audience to read the article.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Double Page Spread Research

A double page spread is two facing pages of newspaper or magazine where the textual material on the left hand side continues across to the right hand side. Abbreviated to DPS. Here are some features commonly used on a double page spread: -

Headline - this tends to be the name of the artist, or something to do with the article itself, for example the name of their album, or something that gives an insight of the article. This is usually a large font, often varying sizes and is bold, and maybe colourful.

Subheading - this is usually found underneath the headline, and gives a brief summary to what the article is about. This is smaller than the headline, but larger than the main text, and is usually bold.

Main Image - usually a large image is used, filling a majority of a page, or an entire page.

By Line - this is very small text and often is the name of the writer and/or the photographer.

Pull Quote - this is a quote from the article, in a larger font, and on a different area of the page. It can often be found larger amongst the article, or it to the side of the main image.

Drop Capital - used at the beginning of the article, this is a the first letter of the first word, larger than the rest of the text, and the height of three or four lines, causing an indentation of the other lines.

Wednesday 8 February 2012


I am extremely please with the outcome of my final contents page. I feel they match the front cover,  and have the layout I wanted; it's simplistic, yet effective.
         This week, I am going to focus on the double page spread. For this, I am going to have to learn how to create a two page image on InDesign, as this isn't something I have done before. I am also still unsure of what font to use, along with the title and colour scheme etc.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Contents Page Final

This is the completed version of the contents page. I have included pictures that relate to some of the articles included, to give the audience an insight on what they are expected to see. These are all images that relate to music and are of the 'indie' style of the magazine. The features are all written in black capitals, so that they stand out and are eyecatching to the audience. This is followed by a small caption in red in order to match everything else on the page, but also to give the audience an insight in what each article will be about.

Monday 6 February 2012

Contents Page Draft 2

This is my second draft of the contents page. I have began to write the features of the magazine, some of which were shown on the front cover, althought I have created a seperate section to highlight the main features on the cover. I have also included a 'contact' box in the corner, as this is a feature that many other magazines include on their front covers in order for the reader to get involved with the magazine.

I have used the line drawing tool to create lines that will seperate each different feature on the contents page, as this clearly splits it up and ensures the reader can easily find a specific feature. I have also drawn a red box in the bottom left corner as the 'contact' information for the magazine, of the same colour as the rest of the lines and boxes. Finally, I have began to write the list of articles included,using the same font used elsewhere on the contents so that it all links in together.  

Sunday 5 February 2012

Contents Page Draft 1

This is the first draft of my contents page. I have used the same colour scheme as the front cover, with the red and white, but also using back for some main words so that they stand out. The layout is simplistic so that the contents page is easy to use for the reader, but also so that it is more appealing and eyecatching. I have three boxes ready for the insertation of photos to highlight some main features of the magazine.

I used the colour picking tool to select the same colour I used on the front cover in order to link the two pages together. I also used the box drawing tool to create the boxes in which the photos will go. I copied the masthead from the front cover and made it smaller in order to place it at the top of the contents page, as this reitterates the name of the magazine to the reader or anyone looking at the contents page.  

Saturday 4 February 2012

Contents Page Propsosal

For the contents page of my magazine, I am going to use the same colour scheme as my front cover - red and white, as then the two pages will link together and the contents page will be just as eye catching as the front cover. It also creates a clear theme for the magazine that will make it look more professional.
                I will use three images on my contents page, all in boxes to the right of the page, with the text fitting around it. There will be red boxes clearing dividing each of the sections of the contents page, with the headings in. This simple 'boxed' layout will be simple yet effective, as it allows the target audience to quickly and easily find what they are looking for.
               I will include the heading 'Contents' at the top of the page using the same font as I have used on the front cover. I will also use my masthead as a logo on the contents page just to reinforce the name of the magazine upon the reader.

Friday 3 February 2012

Contents Page Research

The contents page - it's full title being 'Table of Contents' - is used to list all or some of the parts of a book or document in the order of which specific parts appear. These usually include numbers of where each of these sections start - in a magazine it would be the page number on which the specific article starts. A magazine never lists every single article included in a magazine on it's table of contents, but instead usually lists the ones that are thought to be the most appealing/interesting for the reader. They are also sectioned into 'features' 'regulars' and sometimes 'on the cover' so that the reader can find articles that are specifically advertised.

A magazines contents page usually fits the colour scheme of the front cover, so that it is obvious they relate to one another, but also to again catch the audiences eye. It'll also include images that relate to specific articles and features in the magazine. These often include large page numbers displayed on the images so that it is obvious where to find the article about the specific image.

Thursday 2 February 2012


Overall, I am extremely pleased with the outcomes of my magazine front cover. I felt they are very strong and reflect many current magazines, and therefore would fit on the shelves amongst them perfectly.
            This week I am going to create the contents page. Firstly I am going to research into contents pages, and find some examples of ones I want to use as inspiration, although I think I am going to use Q magazine's contents, as this is a very strong contents page, with a clear and simple layout. I also want to continue the colour scheme of red, white and black on my contents page, as this will relate the page to the cover.
           So far, I feel everything is going well, and have been able to use InDesign easily.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Magazine Cover Final

This is the final version of the front cover of my magazine. I have moved the puff/plug to under the masthead so that it is one of the first things the target audience sees, and is more eyecatching. I have added some other coverlines such as 'New Year New Music' as the word 'new' will appeal to the audience because they'll belive they are getting an exclusive. Also, 'The Kooks Photoshoot' will appeal to the target audience as they are an indie band, so to be seeing exclusive photos of them will appeal to the audience and their fans. I have also added a web address for the magazine in the corner so that it will appear to be an extra for the audience, where they're likely to find more interviews and features.

This image from indesign clearly shows that I have selected the same red colour as the masthead and main coverline for the rest of the coverlines in order to keep a running theme across the magazine cover. It also shows all the seperate parts to the magazine, as I have used a new box for each different part of the text and shape.