Tuesday 31 January 2012

Magazine Cover Draft 2

Here I have begun to develop the magazine cover further. I have changed the colour of the main coverline and masthead to make them look more vibrant and eyecatching along with the white, against the background, as the blue/purple colour blended in more. It also matches the colour of her lipstick which ties eveyrthing in together nicely. I have also added a puff/plug as this is a common feature of a magazine. I have started to add coverlines, such as the one shown '12-Page Gig Explosion.' This will appeal to the target audience as the numbers suggest they are getting more for their money, but also as it is a 'gig explosion,' it sounds exciting and appealing.

I have used the colour picker tool to select the colour from her lips into the swatches section (as shown) to ensure that the shade of red matched . This way eveything ties in together nicely. I have also used the circle drawing tool to create a puff/plug, on which I have placed text and rotated it, to give the appearance of a sticker, suggesting there is added extras in the magazine. Similarly, I used the rectangle drawing tool to draw tiny boxes which I have used as bullet points.

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