Friday 2 December 2011

Research: - Target Audience

The target audience I am going to aim my magazine at are the Indie sub-culture. Indie used to be a term for the genre of music made from independent record labels, but nowadays is used to describe a specific group of people. Although the term suggests the group should be completely independent, and therefore completely different from anyone else, the modern day indie is instead someone who dresses a specific way, listens to specific music, and likes specific things.
             An indie is someone who wears 'vintage' clothing, often found in charity shops or unpopular clothings stores. It is usually different from the 'mainstream' clothing found on the high street or in magazines. They tend to mix and match from different eras; for example mixing an 80's cardigan with a 50's style floral dress. The music they listen to, although is still fairly independent, or at least originated from independed record labels, is now just often under the genre category of Indie, such as The Arctic Monkeys, The Kooks, Two Door Cinema Club etc. An indie is also seen to be a very arty person. They are generally involved with some form of art, whether it's drawing, textiles, graphics, photography etc, as they use it as a way to collect memories and express themselves.
            I am primarily going to focus on girls, as I feel there is no music magazine primarily aimed at females of this sub-genre.

Here are some examples of the kind of music my target audience would listen to: -

Arctic Monkeys - I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor

Two Door Cinema Club - Undercover Martyn

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