Friday 2 December 2011

Reflective of Student Magazine

I am pleased with my student magazine front cover and contents page. I feel that both are appealing, and that people would buy them. I feel the masthead is the most eye-catching part, as font isn't simple and boring, but interesting and 'young' which therefore relates to the target audience who are 'young' students. The colours of the front cover are also appealing, as the purple and black stand out from each other, but also stand out from the background. They are also generic colours that will appeal to both sexes. I have also included a plug, which are the same colours as the coverlines used on the front cover, which therefore tie everything together, but also makes the plug stand out.
            The coverlines include things like 'Advice and Guidance' and Real Life Stories.' These will appeal to the 'student' audience, as every student could do with advice and guidance on many things about college,   as well as other things, such as friends, relationships and sex. The real life stories will also appeal to them as they could relate to these, but it will also be interesting for them.
           The model on the cover looks like a typical 'student' with simple clothing, minimal make-up and carrying a bag. Therefore the audience will be able to relate to them. The image is also positioned to the right of the page, leaving room for the coverlines around her. She is also making eye contact with the target audience which will attract their attention. The background of the image is a brick wall. I decided to photograph the model against this background rather than a plain white or  plain coloured background, because I feel this makes it more obvious that she is in college, but also would make the magazine stand out from other magazines and booklets more.
            For the contents page I have used the same font as the masthead, showing the audience that the pages relate to each other. I have also stuck to the same colour scheme, so that it is clear to read and stands out. I have used a simple layout which leads the audiences eye down the page, with photos relating to some of the articles mentioned on the contents page.
            Overall, I am extremely pleased with my outcomes, and feel that they look like an actual student magazine that could be published. They follow many conventions of an actual magazine, and therefore will be appealing to the target audience. However, I have made some changes such as the background to make the magazine stand out. If I were to repeat this project, I would have spent more time on the contents page, taking more care over the layout, and probably use boxes to clearly section of areas. I would also have used a different background, as the white is very plain.

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