Friday 14 October 2011

Task 5: Skills Audit

The following are the things I was unsure how to do in the skills audit. I researched on the internet, and found out how to do them. Here I have given a brief commentary on what I found out.

Cut & Paste text on a Mac
Open the words or images and highlight. Press the command key (propeller shaped key, located beneath the 'x') followed by 'c'. To paste, press the command key followed with 'v'.
Alternatively, right click the mouse simultaneously with the control key. A drop down list should appear, select copy. To paste, do the same, but click paste.

Scan Images into a Mac
Once plugging in the scanner to the Mac, scan the image, using the scan button on the scanner. The Mac should automatically recognise the scanner and show the image.

Upload Photos to a Mac
Insert the device or memory stick with the photos on. An icon for the device should appear in the top right corner. Open the device and find your files. Drag and drop into a folder on your Mac.

How to use InDesign 
Choose new from the File Menu, then Document. Choose your document settings, page size etc. and click OK. Choose the Type Tool (T) from the toolbar, and click the page to create a text box. Add text, and then attributes such as font, size and colour can be altered after. Insert a picture by clicking the Rectangle Tool (M). To add the picture select the rectangle and click File then Place before browsing for your picture. Preview your document by pressing (W). Save the file by navigating to File and Save.
The following website contains all the information I used to find out how to use InDesign.

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