Friday 14 October 2011


I am aiming my magazine at college students, aged between 16 and 19, as this is the average age of students at college. They will be both males and females.
        My magazine will be about college life, everything they need to know about classes, revision, places to go out, and tips about getting a job/going to university. This will include advice and guidance pages, questions and answers, quizzes, articles about certain things/places, vouchers and free gifts to help them get through college.
       Some ideas for cover lines are as follows: - 'A-Z of Revision, everything you need to know about revising,' (a list of tips and facts about revision that could come in handy to the students). 'WIN a trip to Paris,' (something to take their mind of lessons, and give them a chance to enter. 'University Encyclopedia' (pages about different universities that they can collect from each copy of the magazine.) 'College was the best time of my life,' (real life story from someone who went to college that the students can relate to and take advice from.
       I had a few ideas for magazine titles. For example, I contemplated using 'Student Life,' as this clearly states what the magazine will be about, the target audience is clear, as it's aimed at students, and clear and to the point. However, I then questioned that as it is too obvious, students will be put off buying it as it sounds too formal. I aslo considered just calling it 'Student' as again it clearly states the target audience, and the kind of thing you can find in the magazine. However, I thought it that because it sounds educational and college related, students will be put off buying it, as it doesn't sound fun or interesting. Therefore, I've decided to call my magazine 'Young,' because it suggests that it's aimed at younger people, and therefore doesn't suggest it's just going to be about college. It also suggests that the magazine is going to be quite 'young' and fun, therefore making the target audience buy it.
       I am unsure as whether to use san serif or serif. San serif will appeal to the target audience as I think this will make the magazine look less serious, and more fun, rather than educational and formal. It will also appeal to the 'young' audience more, as it will be block and eyecatching. However, some serif fonts are more eyecatching, and look more appealing, while also adding a sense of formality to the magazine. As it is partially an educational magazine, having a fun yet formal cover titlemay work best, as this relates to both aspects. Examples of the font I may use are Segoe Script as a Serif font, as in capitals it is clear yet still fun, and in lower case it looks sophisticated and fun. I could also use Haettenschweiler as a Sans Serif font, as it is clear and bold, yet still elegant and fun. I have included examples of these fonts at the bottom of my proposal.
       I have considered using a tagline, as I think this is something that the target audience will remember about the magazine if it's catchy and memorable. However this isn't something I'm going to definitely use. An example of a tagline I have come up with are 'make the most of it.' This would be a good tagline as it links in with the title of being young, and making the most of being young, but also links to the fact it's a college magazine, and is suggesting that they should make the most of their time at collge. Also, it suggests that they should make the most of this magazine, which will persuade them to buy it as it initiates that there will be things worth making the most of (such as tips, offers, vouchers etc). Another tagline I have come up with is 'Live, Laugh, Learn.' These are three elements the target audience should be while they are 'young.' It also relates to the kind of thing that are going to be inside the magazine. Features the will tell them how to live their lives to the full, and advice about what to do with their lives, features that will make them laugh, and features that will teach them things, and help them get the most out of their education.
       The magazine would be published each half term, as I feel this way the student could buy the magazine and it would be equipped with guidance, information and tips that will help them through each half term. For example, an issue would come out in September, giving advice to new students about how to settle into college, use time wisely, let them know about student discount etc, whereas the issue that came out in May would be to do with exams and revision and how to get through the next term of exams.
       I expect to put a midshot of a girl on the front of my magazine, as I think a girl on the cover will appeal to both girls and boys. Also, by having a midshot, it doesn't seem like a glamour magazine, with a headshot, but there is enough space for a bit of background to be shown. To get this image, I will go around college, finding suitable looking girls, or using my friends, and getting them to stand in a particular position with a particular background.
       My magazine would be published every half term, so every 6-7 weeks. Maybe during the break before they go back to college in order for the students to purchase the magazine and equip themselves with tips and advice for the coming weeks. Also this isn't too often for the same things to be repeated in the magazine, but instead will be a good investment for the student, and give enough time for more information and research to be gathered to put in the magazine.
      The dimensions of the cover of my magazine will be 16.4 x 13.2 x 2.2 cm, as this is the size of Glamour Magazine, a compact magazine that can easily fit into bags. This way, students can carry it round with them easily, making it easier to refer. It can then be thicker and not be as heavy as a larger magazine would be.
      On the contents page, I would use the same colours as on the cover of my magazine, although I would also use black, to make sure that the font was easy to read, and that they could defintely understand what was inside the magazine. I am considering using purple and blue as my colour theme, as they are generic colours, with the purple appealing to girls and blue appealing to boys, but as the colours are similar, they'll work together well. Then the black will be bold, so I could use this for the parts of the contents I feel are most interesting, or that are also included on the cover page.

Font Examples: -
Segoe Script:


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