Monday 26 September 2011

Task 2: Magazines & Audiences Glossary

Audience - the people at which the magazine are aimed at.
Composition - the way in which things on a magazine are placed in the frame.
Connotation - images/colours/words that imply or suggest something.
Cover Lines - words/quotes/phrases used to advertise what can be found inside a magazine, catch the audience's attention and appeal to them.
Genre - the catogories or type of a piece of media.
Left Third - the left half of a magazine cover, where most of the cover lines can be found, so that these are seen when the magazine is displayed on a shelf.
Main Cover Line - The main story/article advertised on the front of a magazine, that is probably the feature article, and that will appeal to the target audience.
Masthead - The title/name of a magazine, featured at the top of the magazine.
Puff/Plug - text in a bubble/box used to make a specific cover line stand out and draw in the readers attention.
Representation - Using an image/piece of text to stand for something, that can then be recognised.
San Serif Font - the straight/bold/block style font used on a magazine cover that can make it appear more modern and formal.
Serif Font - the curly/flicky/fancy style font used on a magazine cover, that makes a magazine appear more classy yet dated.
Target Audience - a specific type of people that a magazine is aimed at - for example, a specific gender, age group, class etc.

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