Monday 19 September 2011

Task 1: Getting To Know Blogger

'Things You Can Do With Blogger.'
- Create and edit posts, which can be for pubilc viewing (whole of the internet).
- Update posts frequently.
- Upload pictures, videos, links, voice clips etc.
- Personalise your own blog so that is individual.
- Get feedback from your readers

'How I Think Blogger Will Be Useful For My Coursework.'
- Posts can be published for individual, group or class viewing.
- It's easy to use, making it quick to add or create work.
- I can communicate with an audience.
- It is a personalised way of learning and showing work, meaning that it will be individual from everyone esle's.
- My work can be accessed anytime and anywhere, which means that I can continue with my work both inside and outside of lessons.
- Posts are always there, so I can review my work, and it can be assessed whenever needs be.
- My posts can be commented on, meaning the audience can give their opinions and feedback on how I can improve my work.

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