Friday 11 November 2011


This would be a good photo to use as a background, as the person is facing the camera, has eye contact with the audience, and is smiling. This makes the image welcoming and friendly. Also, the majority of the background is plain (a brick wall) which means it would be good for adding writing on top. The rest of it could be cropped out so that the whole background is plain. The model is also to the right of the image, which means there is space in the left third for coverlines, and space above her head for the masthead.

This photo doesn't have a plain background, as half of the image where the writing would go is busy, therefore the writing would be harder to read. Also, the model isn't looking at the camera, which means it wouldn't attract and grab the readers attention.

This would be a brilliant photo for my magazine front cover, as the background is plain, the model is looking towards the camera, therefore making eye contact with the camera. She is also simply dressed which relates to the audience I am trying to attract. However, there is a light switch on the right hand side of the image, although this could be easily edited out.
This photo wouldn't be as good for use of a magazine cover because the model isn't looking at the camera, and therefore isn't making eye contact with the audience. Apart from that the lighting is good, the background is plain and the model is simply dressed.